Lecture Reports 2018

13th March 2018
History of the NGS and Essex Open Gardens - Linda and Neil Holdaway

Well, after our February break, our March event was very well supported with about 140 people turning out to hear Linda and Neil Holdaway tell us about the 91 year history of the National Garden Scheme (NGS) and some of the Essex gardens that are open this year for us to visit. What beautiful photos to tempt us out. We learned about the many charities supported by the NGS including MacMillan Nurses, Marie Curie, etc. and were able to pick up a copy of the Essex Open Gardens booklet. A very interesting and informative talk and many trips to note in our diaries for 2018.

10th April 2018
30-360 acres: the delights and possibilties of RHS Garden Hyde Hall - Robert Brett

Rob Brett, Curator of RHS Hyde Hall for the last three years, gave background about the RHS and the development of the new RHS Bridgewater garden near Manchester. Rob was very enthusiastic about the many changes that have taken place since the Robinson family donated the Hyde Hall site to the RHS in 1993. Of the £7.8m given to Hyde Hall by the RHS, much had to be spent on infrastructure projects and preparing for the increased visitor numbers. There have been several new garden projects including the Global Growth Vegetable Garden and the new Winter Garden. Over 60,000 trees have been planted around the perimeter of the site and a collection of Pemberton roses has been started. Well worth a visit whatever the season.

8th May 2018
Bulbs for All Seasons - Steve Bradley

Steve Bradley, an experienced horticulturalist, gave us lots of tips about bulbs. The more silver in the leaf of a cyclamen, the deeper they will take shade; remove seed heads of allium leaving steam/leaves; don’t plant agapanthus deeply – top should be visible; wear gloves when handling colchicum; plant bulbs in mesh pots and sink in the garden with labels; grate perfumed soap over bulbs to deter squirrels; use Sork bulbs to deter moles; Grazers 4 for lily beetle and feed bulbs after flowering to help build up reserves for next year. Steve answered many individual questions from another large audience to finish our season of lectures.

9th October 2018 - Charity Evening
Rainham Hall Gardens - Jesse Lock

Jesse Lock, Community Gardener at NT Rainham Hall Gardens gave us an inspired talk about the work he and his team of volunteers have done over the last three years. After a brief history of the hall itself, he explained that he is working on a ten year plan for the garden, so still a way to go. Lots of hard landscaping had been done and various areas improved and developed such as the orchard (old mulberry tree still there), wildflower area to increase wildlife, woodland space and the ‘amphitheatre’, the latter an area to be used in the future for small theatre productions. As community gardener, Jesse has developed links with local school children and runs an after-school club. The garden will look great in the Spring – pop along and see the snowdrops. More information on the website.

13th November 2018
Gardening in the Third Age: Gadgets and Gizmos - Anne Luder

Anne Luder, recently retired from Capel Manor as a lecturer, presented many things for the audience to think about relating to gardening in the third age. Keep on gardening – good for relaxation and health. Do you need to change your garden to enable you to carry on? Think trip hazards and raised beds. So many hints and tips for making life easier including using easy plants, mulching, vertical gardening, use old furniture to raise plants, ergonomic tools, fisherman’s gloves, ratchet secateurs/loppers, lightweight hoses and tools, pipe cleaners for plant ties, making a comfortable kneeler from old pillows in waterproof coverings, etc. Lots of think about!

11th December 2018
The Orchid Hunter - Leif Bersweden

We were joined tonight by a young PhD student, Leif Bersweden, who had spent his gap year chasing from Britain and Ireland in the summer of 2013 to find all 52 wild orchids. We saw photographs of some special ones such as the bee orchid, the fly orchid and the man orchid, all with tales to tell about their structure and attraction to insects. Leif has written a book about his search - ‘The Orchid Hunter’ and read some beautifully written excerpts. It was a very different and entertaining evening and enjoyed by many, some of whom bought a copy of his book on the night.

9th January 2018
Growing for the Flower Arranger all Year Round – Maike Windhurst

Maike, a local Essex gardener, brightened a grey winter’s day with some very colourful examples of plants that can be grown in the garden each month of the year to provide colour and floristry displays. In the winter months, when flowers are not so readily available, make good use of berries, buds, leaf colour, and contorted branches as well as hellibores, bergenia, skimmia and early narcissus. Of particular interest were hardy chrysanthemums for winter colour and physocarpus (both green and dark leaved).